AMANDA has 24 years of water treatment industry experience and 11 years of export experience.,it is a production and distribution company of water treatment products, production:UV sterilizer/Ozone generator/Industry and Household purification system;distribution:FRP tank/RUNXIN valve/ Water distributor/RO membrane/Industry RO membrane housing/Filter cartridge /Filter housing .


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We will put a high value on your comments! Please contact us by the email below if you have any questions or comments.

China Headquarters

 Add: Huaian West Road No260,Shijiangzhuang,050000,Hebei,china

 WeChat/WhatsApp: +86-13393211007
 Tel: +86 0311 89276114

South Africa Office

 Add: 31 4th ave highlands north 2192 south africa

 WeChat/WhatsApp: +86-13393211007
 South Africa's Tel: 0027 767 783 290