AMANDA has 24 years of water treatment industry experience and 11 years of export experience.,it is a production and distribution company of water treatment products, production:UV sterilizer/Ozone generator/Industry and Household purification system;distribution:FRP tank/RUNXIN valve/ Water distributor/RO membrane/Industry RO membrane housing/Filter cartridge /Filter housing .
Aquatech China 2017
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Aquatech China 2017

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-04-22      Origin: Site

Aquatech China takes place from June 7 to 9, 2017 at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). The event brings together the fields of water technology and water management with the aim of providing integrated solutions and a holistic approach to the water challenges facing Asia.

Aquatech China 2017

More than 3,400 exhibitors and 120,000 visitors saw the latest innovations in the water industry.



AQUATECH CHINA is second water treatment exhibition in the world, we show products: UV Sterilizer /FRP tank/water filter housing/water filter cartridge, and got many customers good feedback.

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